The pumpkin pie has been delivered to the family that sponsored the "Prize-Winning Pumpkin Pie" contest. The kids and I took it over on Friday night and it was really nice to see how excited their family was to have the pie arrive. They were waiting for the "father-in-law" to get there so that he could enjoy his Birthday present. By 8 o'clock the next morning, there was a message on my parent's phone saying that their Grandpa had loved his pie and he had eaten two big pieces straight away. In case you are wondering, the first thing the lady did after she opened the door to me was hand me the $20. Unfortunately, I owed my Dad some money from our shopping trip to Detroit the day before and I had to hand the $20 over to him before we left for home the next morning!
The debate over the two different brands of pumpkin is really heating up. It seems that I am not the only one that takes pumpkin pies seriously. My friend Brenda told me that she only uses E.D. Smith. When asked for a reason, she reminded me that her maiden name was Smith. Hmmm. She has also suggested that we do a blind taste test with both kinds. Sounds like an excellent idea to me! In case you're wondering, Stokely "Pure Pumpkin" contains a mixture of pumpkin and squash, while the E.D. Smith "Pure Pumpkin" contains only pumpkin. A bit of a disappointment for a Stokely fan, but I don't have anything against squash (especially butternut).
One of my Uncles (who shall remain nameless) told me that his favourite pumpkin pie, bar none, is made from pumpkin pie FILLING. I guess it's true, you can pick your friends... Considering I have always been a huge pumpkin fan, I find it heartwarming to hear that people care and are willing to stand up for the pumpkin they like the most.